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Basic Race

The Ajaunti of Acasă are bustling merchants who thrive on tales of adventure, themselves being cursed to remain within the Shadow Isles so long as they retain their family name. Clan Lacusta is an offshoot of Clan Istrati, having severed ties long ago, and the two feud to this day. Some believe that are were descendants of the Purple Clan, though none can say for certain.



The original Ajaunti clan to arrive to the Shadow Isle, over a millennium ago, was the Istrati.  Though they came in search of adventure, they lingered for the succulent herbs from which they brewed an exquisite tea. For the most part they travelled together, and wherever they set up camp was their home: Acasă.

After a time, their wanderlust rekindled and Clan Istrati prepared to leave the Ghost Sea. Though some were eager to depart immediately, the more vocal group insisted that they remain but a week more so that they might harvest a final batch of herbs for their tea. Unfortunately, within that week was the Rupture, the cataclysm that ruptured the Shadow Isle into many smaller islets and sent countless Ajaunti to a watery grave. Those who tried to flee after the Rupture were never seen or heard from again, which was the first sign of their curse.

The surviving family members who had advocated to stay were blamed for this misfortune. Those Ajaunti suspected their kin who had wanted to flee had known the Rupture was imminent yet neglected to inform the others. The feud persisted with such vehemence that those who had wanted to leave eventually broke off to form Clan Lacusta. Clans Istrati and Lacusta feud to this day, seeking every petty opportunity to hamper the descendants of those who were truly responsible for the wrath of their ancestors.

Their wanderings were mitigated with this curse that kept them within the Ghost Sea. Though some Acasăn Ajaunti still wander between islands within the Ghost Sea, most have settled on the merchant island of Acasă and rely on stories from travelers to satisfy their wanderlust.


Curse of the Shadow Isles

In the Rupture that created the many Shadow Isles from the singular Shadow Isle, many Ajaunti died in the Ghost Sea while attempting to escape. Modern Ajaunti are convinced that these souls were never properly laid to rest and that is why their ancestors prevent descendants of Clan Istrati from leaving the Ghost Sea.

The curse is very real. Nearly all Ajaunti in Acasă are descendants of the original Istrati who journeyed to the Shadow Isle, and when they attempt to leave the Ghost Sea, they are neither seen nor heard from again. Some assume they die, while others speculate they suffer a far worse fate. Acasăn Ajaunti are doomed to wander the Ghost Sea and the Shadow Isles so long as they retain their family name.

However, they discovered that Ajaunti who marry into another clan can safely depart the cursed waters surrounding the Shadow Isles. This presents a double­edged sword, as those Ajaunti who marry into the Istrati or Lacusta clans also become cursed.

Most marriages are arranged to break the curse afflicting these Ajaunti. If an Acasăn Ajaunti wishes to marry into another clan to leave the Shadow Isles, they must participate in a marriage ritual to ensure the ancestors approve of their departure: the newlywed couple must cross the ocean bank between Acasă and Zenithstrand using the traditional rickety rope bridge.

Given that the bridge is worn and slippery, it is rarely used except in marriage rituals. If the couple falls into the ocean, they must remain in the Shadow Isles with their partner, but if they safely cross, they are permitted to cross the Ghost Sea and leave the Shadow Isles. Though an element of luck is involved, most Ajaunti construct similar bridges on the land and practice the crossing to improve their chances of success.

The crossing is the only form of approval strictly required for these marriages, though customarily they are arranged between families, with the Mama’s blessing. In true Acasăn style, these events are excuses for the family to host an extravagant party in farewell; once an Acasăn Ajaunti escapes the wrath of the ancestors, they sever all contact with their Acasăn past, lest their good fortune fail.

Tea is a polarizing topic among Acasăn Ajaunti, given its role in their curse. However, they all agree that the leaves from Zenithstrand have a particular gift of portent, thus most Acasăn Ajaunti read tea leaves or rely on their tellings from someone trained in the art.

Clan Lacusta generally finds tea distasteful and many refuse to drink it. Clan Istrati, on the other hand, trusts the judgement of their ancestors and continue to drink and serve tea. In fact, Istrati have several minor tea ceremonies they perform when welcoming guests, tending to the sick, and in mourning.

Funeral Rites
Funeral Rites Acasăn Ajaunti are particularly mindful of honouring the dead due to their own angry ancestors. To put a fellow Acasăn Ajaunti to rest, regardless of clan, they hold a ceremony where the corpse is anointed in water from the Ghost Sea before being cremated. Along with the body, useful everyday items are also burned to aid the soon­to­be ancestor in the afterlife such as a comb, shoes, or a walking stick.

On the day of the ceremony and for the following two days, at each meal their friends and family will set a place for the deceased, replete with food and drink.


Though personalities differ to some extent from person to person and from clan to clan, the Ajaunti of Acasă thrive on being merchants. Because they themselves are limited in how far they may travel, these Ajaunti enjoy hawking rare and necessary wares to lure in travelers and satisfy their wanderlust vicariously.

Acasăn Ajaunti love to gather stories and to share them; however, to compensate for their limited travels, they must first develop the skill of eliciting tales from others. To this end, Acasăn Ajaunti are keen listeners and are often friendly, using many tricks to make their company feel at ease.

Wealth is a means to an end for most, that end generally being a wealth of camaraderie and tales. Boasting one’s literal wealth is a way of boosting one’s thriving business, thus their easy access to the figurative wealth of tales.

The crux of being a successful merchant in the Shadow Isles is being able to navigate the divide between Dominion and Nitrem. Although some Ajaunti clearly show support for one nation or another by the clothes they wear, others choose to take the riskier path of claiming no allegiance and attempting to deal with both. Personality can change based on whether an Aja is trying to garner support of the passionate, god­following Shadow Elves or the level­headed and god­hating High Elves.


Family Structure 

Both Clan Istrati and Clan Lacusta are ruled by a matriarch, called Mama, and those related to her hold more prestige, but none more so than her firstborn child. All family members vie for the coveted title of Merchant Prince, though the firstborn almost always wins due to their privileged connections. Although Acasăn Ajaunti respect this title and fiercely compete to attain it, it has no political power within the Coalition Alliance, and each clan proclaims their own, regardless of the other’s success.

Istrati Mama: Mirela Istrati
First Son: Nicu Istrati, Merchant Prince and Coalition Council member

Lacusta Mama: Stefania Lacusta
First Daughter: Ileana Lacusta, Merchant Princess

The Feud

Most Istrati and most Lacusta support or perpetuate their feud in one way or another.

Both families regularly hold private meetings to discuss family and trade affairs. The more aggressive, rabble­rousing members of each family elbow their way into the other’s meetings or else spy on them, their goal being to disrupt the other family’s relations with their trading partners.

Clan Istrati currently holds the Coalition Council seat, and they work hard to make Lacusta look bad to keep things that way. However, Lacusta employs similar tactics in the markets, the public arena of Acasă, to disrepute the Istrati, which could eventually lead to the removal of the Istrati and the rise of the Lacusta on the council.

The Coalition of the Shadow Isles

Acasă has long been a hub of trade, but since the peace treaty and formation of the Coalition Alliance, trade deals have significantly increased, both on the island and for merchant delegations abroad. The Coalition Alliance has made trade and travel easier, which makes the Acasăn Ajaunti some of the most vocal supporters of the coalition. Although some Ajaunti resent their island’s representation being lumped together with Zenithstrand’s, most see this as an opportunity to expand their trade and influence. Acasă shares a single seat on the Coalition Council with Zenithstrand, and Istrati and Lacusta are constantly vying for it.


These Ajaunti hail from the isle of Acasă, in the southwest sector of the Shadow Isles. However, as with all Ajaunti, they are rovers at heart and can be found on any isle or ship within the Ghost Sea.


● Determine whether you are Istrati or Lacusta and whether you perpetuate their feud or wish for peace.
● Determine whether you support Nitrem, Dominion, or attempt to support both; try to match your wardrobe to what’s appropriate (darks and silver for Nitrem; lights and gold for Dominion).
● Generally, wear your wealth and have objects that represent your wealth other than coin.

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