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The Jhen’Ursa are a Wild Elf tribe founded on Isle of Lowgarryn many millennia ago. Their early origins are shrouded in mystery. Only a few claim that there is a tribe from that island older than the Jhen’Ursa, but none of these sources are reputable.



The Jhen’Ursa are a Wild Elf tribe founded on Isle of Lowgarryn many millennia ago. Their early origins are shrouded in mystery. Only a few claim that there is a tribe from that island older than the Jhen’Ursa, but none of these sources are reputable.

It is known that they held the respect of not only the other tribes of the island but also the various Kingdoms. When disputes needed to be resolved between neighbouring tribes, the local Jhen’Ursa resident of the area would be consulted as a neutral judiciary. Outside races often petitioned the Jhen’Ursa to intervene on their behalf. As such, the Jhen’Ursa tribe was commonly referred to as the “Royal Tribe” by civilized chroniclers, though Wild Elves might bristle at that title.

Very little is known about their history beyond that. About 1200 years ago, during the Vlotkin War, the Jhen’Ursa were targeted by their neighbouring tribes. Strange arcane powers were at the command of their enemies and the strength of the Jhen’Ursa faltered - they faced a costly war. It was at this moment that the Wild Elves of the Fire Isles offered refuge and explicit allegiance. The Jhen’Ursa accepted and performed the greatest migration they have ever engaged in. Each and every Jhen’Ursa gathered and rallied in a great cavern beneath Mount Cindarus. However, they were betrayed.

A cursed sleep befell them. They became dormant and the cavern sealed into a vault. It was an Elf’s lifetime later, when Mount Cindarus itself was shattered, for the first Jhen’Ursa to awake and escape the prison. Dozens more followed. Many of those who awoke first were killed by trophy hunters or rival tribes. Lowgarryn was destroyed before all of the tribe could be released from the magic and many died before they could be awoken.

Of the few surviving Ursa, many have since fled to the Shadow Isles. This culture pack applies to those refugees.


The Jhen’Ursa do not have the traditional green markings of native Zenithstrand Wild Elves. Originally, their markings were woaded blue to denote the alliance of Lowgaryn Elves. But now, they have blackened their markings in mourning of their fallen kin. For every Jhen’Ursa that escaped, another ten were lost in Lowgarryn’s destruction.

Their markings consist of large triangles along the jawline which represent bear’s teeth. All Jhen’Ursa start with two teeth at birth: one on each cheek to represent each parent’s will for the young Elf to be raised in the customs of the tribe. Upon reaching adulthood, their strength is judged by their Watcher and they are marked with additional teeth. A single tooth would be a mark of complete dependency. Eight is the most that can be awarded. Only rarely do Jhen’Ursa achieve such prowess.

Each Watcher has their own criteria for marking - both mental and physical strength are considered. It is not unheard of for young Jhen’Ursa who come into conflict with their Watcher to migrate into the territory of another, hoping for a more favourable impression.

Whatever the outcome, these markings are sacred. It is highly offensive to change or add to the facial tattoos given by the Watcher. However, there is one exception. If a Jhen’Ursa usurps a Watcher and thus takes on their mantle of responsibility, they are expected to add any missing teeth such that they are marked as if their Watcher had given them eight teeth at adulthood.

The Jhen’Ursa do not adopt other races into their tribe, not even other wild elves. To place the markings of the Jhen’Ursa upon someone not born to the tribe is a grave offense.



During the spring and summer, the Jhen’Ursa are usually found on the move. They venture afar either alone or in very small groups. This is the time for forging new relationships and for travel.

By the time autumn hits, the Jhen’Ursa focus on gathering resources - whether that be by hunting, by gathering, by trade, or by less savoury means. They are strongly driven to amass enough to ensure they have a comfortable winter. It is expected that each Jhen’Ursa is individually capable. Young elves may be helped by others, but older elves must fend for themselves or die trying.

During the winter, the tribe gathers. This is the time where the Jhen’Ursa are at their most social. They celebrate by holding great feasts and telling stories of the adventures of the warmer months. This is also the time for courting. Healthy adults are encouraged to find time with each other in order to produce the next generation.


The Jhen’Ursa do not always form parental partnerships. Instead, one of the parents becomes the child’s guardian and the other can choose to remain involved or to disengage, as if they had never parented the child at all. If the parents disagree on which one of them should raise the child, their Watcher decides what is best for the tribe. It is a terrible taboo to allow a Jhen’Ursa child to die. If a Watcher feels that a guardian is unfit, they will redistribute the child to another Jhen’Ursa in the area. However, it is perfectly acceptable to abandon a child if they are not born a Jhen’Ursa Wild Elf. This is a very common practice - it is almost unheard of for a Jhen’Ursa to raise a child who is not also a Jhen’Ursa.

This is a cautionary tale that most Ursa are familiar with:

Two Ursa, who fell in lust, threw themselves into passion and produced an offspring that althought neither of them expected, both wished to raise on their own. They so much wanted to be their own people, that they each refused to raise the child together. Ursa culture demanded that the young are cared for until they reached maturity, thus abandonment wasn’t an option. Yet, both were stubborn, and would not yield to the other. They called for the Watchers involvement.

They approached the Watcher with this conflict, and after a few moments, and a deep sigh and look of frustration, the Watcher spoke, “If both of you want the child, and you won’t decide for yourselves who is to yield, then my decision is combat to final death.” The two Ursa looked at the watcher with confusion, and then at one another with a smile. The Watcher saw this, and smirked.

The Ursa squared off, both boasting strength and skill, and the fight was gruesome. Eventually, one Ursa appeared to have the upper hand, a triumphant roar unleashed from his gaping maw. The Watcher called for the fighting to stop, the same smirk still on his face.

The standing Ursa both looked confused and outraged, but before they could speak in protest, the Watcher interjected, “Neither of you could make a choice, you instead, approached me with this most trivial of matters, and these are the consequences… I can see now that neither of you are fit to raise this child, for both were willing to kill another Ursa, and as such, the child will be mine to care for.”



The Jhen’Ursa believe that each member of the tribe has their own bear as a patron animal. Periods of great turmoil in their lives are often attributed to the trauma of their bear’s death. They believe it takes time for another bear to become attuned as their successor and this time is filled with ill fortune for the patron-less Jhen’Ursa.

As such, hunting bears for sport is insulting. The Jhen’Ursa are even known to persecute individuals outside their tribe for slaughtering bears. Only if a bear is causing great harm is it acceptable to hunt them. This hunt is highly ceremonial, with many thanks given to the bear in question. Afterwards, every piece of the bear must be used or consumed, to prevent their evil energy from spreading to other bears.


Many Jhen’Ursa choose to forgo worship or reverence of greater powers. Their dedicated individualism clashes with organized religion. Those that walk a path of faith tend to do so in their own way, rather than prescribing to an established doctrine. Worship of Sybil and Dunarthos is common, as well as Ll’yandra. It is important to them that the land they travel is fruitful and that the Jhen’Ursa bloodline is strong. Less widespread, but still typical, is the reverence for Ilyxtriak as their shelter while they were cursed and vulnerable. There are also pockets of Kaelites, who espout that Kael was the one to shatter Mount Cindarus and initiate the tribe’s rebirth. Those Jhen’Ursa who follow dark powers are mistrusted, and those who follow believe it was dark or necromany that first put them to sleep.


Their plight has not ended since arriving in the Shadow Isles. Weak from their escape from the vault they have been continuously hunted by slavers and trophy hunters, diminishing their already nonexistent numbers. They have reached an agreement between the local Crow  and Nightshade tribes which granted them a small amount of land interestecting the borders of the two tribes. Both tribes have declared the Jhen Ursa to be considered amongst the Kudzu of the Isles and under their protection.


Clarke Colton
Wyatt Lefebvre

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