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The logistics database is where we keep track of your characters, experience blankets, soul frags, game attendance and production. You will use the database each month to confirm your attendance to events and to add new skills to your character sheets.



Go to the Underworld Larp Logistics website.

  • Log in with your name and password.

    • If you don't already have an existing account, you'll need to set one up. ​In order to setup your account and enter your first character, email the following information to

      • Player Name  (Your name)

      • Email Address (The email address you want associated with your account)

      • Character Name & True Name

      • Character Race & Class 

Once we've set up your account for you, we will email you with a login name and a password.

You can then log into your account and change your password.


Before you can update your character it will need to be unlocked. Character unlock fees cost $15.00 . This fee goes to Underworld Global, you can send your transfer fee directly to them via an e transfer to

In the notes on your payment  include your name, your character name and the guild the character is located in.



In the top left you should see your login name, the option to logout, and the option to change your password.

Overview - This is the main page displayed. You will be able to see your active characters and their status, as well as how many experience blankets you have to apply.

Logistics - This page will allow you apply blankets and add skills to your existing characters. (

Preregistration - This page will allow you to confirm your attendance for upcoming events.

Production - This page will allow you to put in production requests for upcoming events. 

Experience Record - This page will allow you to view the history of all blankets and soul frags which you acquire or spend.



Here is where you can update your characters between events. You can update each of your characters once per calendar month.

Select your character to view this screen.

Character Sheet - this is the same as the printout you will receive from logistics each event. It lists your information including body points, skills and special notes and spells on spirit.


Please note!!!!

None of the changes you make will be official until you hit Save. If you don't hit Save and confirm, then your changes will be lost and not appear on your card the next event you play. One you save, your changes cannot be undone, nor can you undo them.



Blanket Management - If you have a blanket to apply to a character you may do so here to increase your unspent CP.



Purchase Skills - If you have enough CP to buy a new skill, you may select the skill you wish to buy to apply it to your character card. Some skills require approval to purchase and for those you will need to email logistics so we can add them for you.

Spells on Spirit - Some spells allow you to start an event with them active as if you had cast them. If you have any of those spells, you can select which ones you want to be active here.



Here you can register for events.

(We usually refer to this as PRELOG.)

First, select the guild you want to attend. (Zenithstrand) and then select the name of the event you're attending. 

The event details will load, along with a dropdown menu allowing you to select the character you want to play. 

(NPCs and shapers can select their roles here as well - but must have permission to attend as that role first.)

You'll also be able to select your NPC shift. If you're not planning to take an NPC shift, there is usually a selection for those who are opting out to choose.


Once your preregistration is complete, make sure to send your event payment to




In order to create a production request, you must have already pre-registered to attend an event as a character with a production skill.

As with Preregistration, you must select the guild and then the event. You may then select the production type you want to request and add or delete items.

All production will be reviewed by the logistics team and you will receive your tags with your character sheet prior to event at the pregame logistics. You must make sure to bring all the require RM with you to exchange for your new tags.

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