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Rare Race


Fire Elves of Dominion


As requested by High Knight Altuus, I have sought and found where the clan of Cindus’Thallan make their home: in a valley on the eastern side of Dominion, framed with two volcanoes, blanketed with sand, and surprisingly full of equines. There are no permanent structures in the valley, only tents and trading stalls made of fabric. Upon investigating this society and whether or not they revere Tezoth, I discovered that they seem to majorly follow the Gold Dragon, though their society is built around the horses that they use for just about everything. Furthermore, I arrived just in time for an important bi-annual event that marks where they stay for the next half year--but this will be detailed later. Their society works on a series of brotherhoods: the Harab who fight for glory, the Tassallul that steal their fortune, and the Sune who craft their fame.


I spoke with Izz Al Din, General and justicar, as well as Qubilah, an Arch magus and deputy to Izz Al Din. Izz Al Din is the head of the guard in this fire elf society. He works with and protects the elders that guide this commune of brotherhoods. He is a very potent warrior who prefers a slender two-handed sword even though he is proficient in every common weapon. He watches over the magi of the Harab brotherhood very closely, for few are accepted in this culture, in part because magic is unknown to most and in part because it scares the horses that keep this commune alive. 

Qubilah, on the other hand, is the head of mages in the brotherhood. She is a psionicist, though she believes herself to be just as potent, if not more so, than Izz Al Din in the way of the blade. She duels Izz to challenge his power and place. Though she has failed every time, each day she inches closer to taking his place. She prefers to fight on horseback, like many fire elf soldiers, even going as far as mimicking the style on foot. As a result her summoned weapons, as I have seen, are always formed for slashes and not stabbing.  

In this brotherhood it seems those who fight with blade or bow come first, then the mages who can, as Izz Al Din put it, fake a blade. Lastly, all other mages.


According to local legend, The Viper and The Crow are the greatest crooked combination of the age, The Viper mixing deadly poisons and executing contracts without any trace and The Crow selling only the best of stolen goods, especially untraceable but highly valuable information. These two are rumoured to lead a council of eight that rules the Tassallul. Some members of aristocratic status claim that the whole Tassallul brotherhood is actually many Vipers and Crows, a legend just to strike fear into people’s hearts and make them as renowned as the brotherhoods that operate in the light of day--which could very well be true. 

No one would tell me much more about them. Izz Al Din said “I would rather have them a dead legend than a living shadow. We find fledglings here and there but never anyone of the inner circle, and they wouldn’t tell us if we had,” before he had to return to official matters.


The last brotherhood leader I spoke to was a man by the name of Hemydreza. He was a large man devoid of poise, but he had the most gold (much of which was incorporated in his dress) and most successful business. Hemydreza explained to me that the Sune run the Grand Bazaar, a large assortment of merchant stalls, and that it’s their ticket to becoming the most powerful. The Sune brotherhood consists of merchants, craftsmen, artisans, musicians, and cooks. 

I can also assure that there are no concerning items for sale, neither relics nor evil magics nor even poison. The Sune, as can be expected, are then also the holder of the bi-annual festival, which Hemydreza explained to me in fuller detail.


The Equinox festival is marked by the beginning of spring and fall, signifying the end of their travels from volcano to volcano. It is a large celebration that welcomes anyone and features partying, music, dancing, and food. The Grand Bazaar is set up in a new venue, decorated rather excessively, and is the site for festivities, which begin with an elder from the Sune and Harab striking a double-headed drum. The festival then lasts until the following morning when the last patron falls asleep. I am concerned that this festival is reckless, considering its potential length and the exhaustive activities involved; however, there is nothing that can be done to change it, and they are appropriately armed to ward off a nighttime attack.



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