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Basic Race: Variant of Dark Elves

Shadow Elves are as much Drael’Thalan as Dark Elves but are held in low regard by their Dark Elf cousins. Shadow Elves tend to be more passionate and open than other Drael’Thalan. They have white hair and hail from Nitrem. 

Rituals are an integral part of Shadow Elf society, and they’re performed without fail to please the Moon Mother. 



Shadow Elves have a long and bloody history with those who revere Tezoth, namely the citizens of Dominion in the Shadow Isles. Their opposed ideologies came to a head when a Shadow Elf girl was born who seemingly had the moon in her eyes. In the nights after her birth, the moon itself seemed to come closer to the earth. The Shadow Elves believed that the Moon Mother had been born among them, and they celebrated her birth and honoured the child up until the moment when the sky darkened in the middle of the day and the island split apart.

Though the girl could not be found after the Reprisal that split the Shadow Isle asunder, the Shadow Elves found themselves on an island cloaked in enough vapour to block out the light of the sun, and they rejoiced to have this home, Nitrem. The High Priestesses teach that the Reprisal was the result of the girl returning to the sky so that she might better watch over her people.

Though relations had been tense, involving propaganda and minor skirmishes, between Dominion and Nitrem, they cooled down when their capitals were no longer on the same island. For centuries the Shadow Elves continued to honour the Moon Mother in private while those reverent of the gold dragon turned a blind eye. More recently the Shadow Elves began to spread and share their religion, however, which sparked the Shadow­Sun War, where the elves fought for the right to pray and Tezoth’s minions struck them down for such blasphemy.

The war lasted 89 years and ended in a stalemate and an official declaration of tenuous peace, but the Shadow Elves are proud to have stood and fought for the Moon Mother. 


Whereas Dark Elves tend to be secretive and conceal their true intentions and feelings, Shadow Elves are openly passionate, but no less dangerous. They are also very proud and see themselves as the heirs of the Grey Elf legacy in the Shadow Isles. Their capital, Toran, is built upon the ruins of a Grey Elf city.

Shadow Elves believe that they have souls, which will go on to another plane of existence upon their final death. Though they aren’t afraid of death, they fully intend to first enjoy a full life. However, they see undead as soulless abominations, so few Shadow Elves practice necromancy and most abhor it.

Like most Drael’Thalan, Shadow Elves harbour an intense hatred for the sun but also for fire, which they see as a facet of the sun. For this reason, few Shadow Elves cast elemental fire.
Most Shadow Elves are quite religious and practice many rituals to honour the Moon Mother. It is seen as shameful and suspicious not to practice a ritual at the appointed time. Part of their belief is that balance between good and evil is necessary, which can cause a Shadow Elf to act against their morals if they feel these aspects are out of balance in an area. 

Because their religion is so important, Shadow Elves revile dragon reverents, especially those of Tezoth with whom they share a history of conflict. Most Shadow Elves are proud that their nation fought in the Shadow­Sun War and see themselves as champions of god worshippers throughout the Shadow Isles.


First Moon: Sighting
These rituals are performed at the first sighting of the moon each night. If the moon is not visible­­ which happens fairly regularly on Nitrem, given its dense cloud cover ­­the ritual is not performed. Individuals may perform these rituals without the oversight of a Priest or Priestess. Sighting rituals can sometimes vary from family to family or be highly personalized.

New Moon: Mourning

This ritual mourns those who have passed on and to help remove the taint of wrongdoings one might have on their soul. Shadow Elves believe this ritual helps them pass into the next plane of existence on their final death.

Begin the ritual by drawing your own blood and spread it in a circle. Kneel in this circle and close your eyes. Visualize or speak of your wrongdoings, and remember the faces and lives of your friends and family who have passed on. On completion, yell for as long as you can: this cry will travel to the next plane and let those who have passed know that they are remembered. Wash away the circle to complete the ritual.

Quarter Moon: Awakening

This part of the moon’s cycle is seen as the Moon Mother opening her eyes to the Shadow Elves, representing a new look at the world.
Begin the ritual by ingesting a hallucinogen, to allow yourself to see the world in a new way. Priests and Priestesses have different recommendations on how best to perform the ritual, and there are many variations after this first step. Some combine hallucinogens with self­mutilation as a means of metaphysical enlightenment.

Half Moon: Balance
This ritual honours and supports the balance that Shadow Elves believe there must be in the world.
Begin by considering the balance in an area. If there is too much good, perform an evil act to restore balance; however, if there is too much evil, perform an act of kindness to restore balance. No matter your personal values, these acts must be committed for the greater balance

Three-Quarter Moon: Forgiving
Shadow Elves tend to be more passionate on the nights leading up to and following the full moon. As such, they take time to cleanse their souls and forgive others for trespasses made.
Begin by creating a beat, either on a drum or another surface that will create a sound. You may choose any beat you deem appropriate. In your mind or aloud, forgive everyone you deem worthy of forgiveness. Complete the ritual by ceasing the beat. Some choose to enhance this experience by taking a hallucinogen.

Full Moon: Celebration

This ritual celebrates the Moon Mother in her full glory. Begin by shedding your blood and painting yourself with it. Though any design is acceptable, it is common to include a full moon on your face. Commence a celebration and continue until either something stops it or the sun rises. Everyone, regardless of race, is encouraged to celebrate the moon on these nights.


These rituals are performed once a year and are guided by a High Priestess of the Moon Mother.

Spring: Rebirth

Shadow Elves believe that spring represents the earth getting a new lease on life. It is a joyous time, and large groups will gather in a predetermined place to celebrate. They rarely share this location with other races.

Begin by shedding your blood, and paint your surroundings with it: plants, trees, animals. This grants the land around you the blessing of the Moon Mother. Select a tree and, as a group, place your handprint on it and paint the shape of that night’s moon around the trunk. This tree is now considered protected by the Moon Mother, and a new one will be selected next year.

Summer: Heat
Shadow Elves see summer as a time of both life and death. Though life is most vibrant at these times, which is celebrated, the sun is also at its most powerful, which is a sign of death and destruction. This ritual honours balance.

There are two parts to this ritual. Begin the first part by lighting a large bonfire. Dance around the flames, as guided by the High Priestess in attendance. Once the dance is complete, douse the flames. Begin the second part by consuming a hallucinogen, then plant trees and bushes that have been grown in granaries

Fall: Withering

Shadow Elves acknowledge that autumn is when plants wither until the Rebirth. It is not an evil time but a necessary one. Because only the evergreens seem to survive this time, they are seen as the strongest.

Begin by composing yourself to be calm. No hallucinogens or self­mutilation is permitted in this ritual. Simply travel paths around you and cut back the branches of overgrown trees: tend the forest.

Winter: Freeze

Winter is harsh and unforgiving in Nitrem, so Shadow Elves will preserve, stock, and ration their food. This ritual is a prayer to the Moon Mother for an easy winter. Large groups of elves gather to perform this ritual.

Begin with prayer. Though you pray at the same time as your brothers and sisters, your prayer is your own. Close the ritual with self­mutilation: offer your blood to the Moon Mother.


These rituals are best performed with a Priest or Priestess of the Moon Mother present.

Birth: Emerging

This ritual is a prayer to the Moon Mother to grant her blessing to the newborn child. Shadow Elves believe this blessing is essential for a child to live a happy and healthy life.

Begin by forming a circle of family and friends around the building where the child will be delivered. Pray until the child is born. Upon birth, cheer to announce the birth to the Moon Mother, then celebrate, for a new life is precious.

Final Death: The Passing

Upon final death, a Shadow Elf is laid to rest in one of the many cemeteries of Nitrem, all of which are guarded by henges or other protective circles and are ringed by witchmarks against necromancy. This ritual is performed during the burial by all who are present.

Begin with six of the deceased’s closest friends bearing the body within its casket. Lower the casket into a grave. A Priest or Priestess of the Moon Mother will speak about the one who has passed. Once the speech is complete, cut yourself and drain some of the blood onto the grave before it is covered. Speak a eulogy and listen to those of the others present. Once all have spoken, the ritual is complete.

Coming of Age

When a Priest or Priestess of the Moon Mother deems a Shadow Elf to be of age, that adolescent goes on the quest for the Night Lizard, said to be a solitary and vicious creature who lives within the Mist. The Shadow Elf may only bring a single weapon of their choosing and a flask of water for this task.

If their hunt is successful, the Shadow Elf fashions armour out of the hide. Although the leather has a near magical toughness, it is considered ceremonial. Combined with the stipulation that it must never fall into the hands of a non­Shadow Elf, few ever wear the armour into battle. If the hunt is not successful, it will be at least a year until they are allowed to try again.

On the quest it is also acceptable to bring back obsidian, which is rich within the Mist. If after their quest they have not recovered any, an obsidian object will be crafted for them. Obsidian is considered a sacred material and is often laid into the night lizard armour or crafted into a weapon.


The Lunar Council 

The Shadow Elves are governed by a democratic council of 25 members, located in Toran, the capital of Nitrem. They are known to make decisions swiftly and suffer little conflict between members. The council mandates a varied assembly, requiring 10 High Priestesses, 5 warriors, 5 sorcerers, 3 craftsmen, and 2 farmers. An election was recently held, and the next will not be for another decade and then some, unless the people overwhelmingly push for a recall and re­election. The current members of the Lunar Council are:

High Priestesses

Cælistis, the longest-serving High Priestess on the Lunar Council. Re­elected several times.

Estella, a stickler for rules, ceremony, and proper devotion being shown the Moon Mother.

Adelia, a fire and brimstone orator with a nationalistic bent. Re­elected once.

Adsiltia, a proponent of violent punishments for lawbreaking. Re­elected twice.

Regina, the High Priestess responsible for inducting initiates to the Daughters.

Leandra, an aggressive supporter of the military.

Davina, a rural High Priestess who spends her free time doing charity work. Re­elected once.

Amarantha, a woman with an excellent memory and cites previous rulings to help guide decision making.

Vera, an advocate of gathering intelligence prior to votes. Lælia, a newly named High Priestess with a large following and fervent faith.


Ludo Acacius (m), an accomplished veteran of battles with Dominion. Re­elected several times.

Bellatrix Valerius (f), a warrior and an interrogation specialist. Re­elected once.

Milo Alexius (m), a ranking officer among the anti­magic brigade.

Nerva Celer (m), a skilled alchemist from the navy.

Alcander Timæus (m), one of the guerilla unit trainers.


Caius Æmilius (m), an elemental ice mage determined to discover moonlight’s equivalent to fire.

Tacitus Anacletus (m), a follower of Dietremen with an affinity for summoning.

Prisca Celsus (f), an older mage with three spheres. Re­elected twice.

Ianus Duilius (m), a hot­headed psionicist with highly developed ritual magic.

Brigid Ennius (f), an extremely skilled sorceress who overestimates the abilities of others.


Felix Lucretius (m), a wealthy and lucky merchant.

Brutus Fabricius (m), a steadfast but ordinary craftsman. Re­elected several times.

Petra Toranius (f), an accomplished smith who specializes in precious metals.


Consus Hortensius (m), from a family that cultivates mushrooms and root vegetables in Ager.

Petronius Agerius (m), a loud spoken toad farmer who produces the best poison components.


Shadow Elves share a long and bloody history with Dominion’s High Elves and Knights of Tezoth. Their final encounter was so devastating not only to themselves but to the Shadow Islands as a whole that the Shadow Elves agreed to form a neutral coalition and peaceably co­exist with their neighbours. They still harbour a deep­seated hatred for Dominians and look for ways to weaken their nation within the existing treaty. Shadow Elves are generally too focused on lingering bitterness with Dominion to form a firm opinion of the other nations.

As with Dominion, they are allowed two representatives on the Coalition Council, whereas other nations only receive one seat. The electorate tempered hostility with a show of peace by not electing a High Priestess of the Moon Mother to these seats; however, they found other ways to express their mistrust of Dominion in these two councillors:

Drusilla Berengari, a naval alchemist and daughter of veterans of the wars with Dominion.

Leto Marcius, a follower of Dietremen, a high ranking member of the anti­magic brigade, and an experienced interrogator from the Shadow­ Sun War.


Nitrem is the ancestral home of Shadow Elves, an island in the northwest sector of the Shadow Isles. Although some may choose to leave here and make a life for themselves elsewhere, they are derided by other Dark Elves and may have trouble finding acceptance.


● Be mindful of the phase of the moon and perform rituals when appropriate (fake blood and in­game hallucinogens are encouraged)
● Generally prefer night and darkness to daytime
● Worship of dragons, especially Tezoth, is especially reviled. Act like it.
● Shadow elves are the superior race. Other elves are respectable but still lesser. Other races are inferior. Your race descended from the original elves, be proud.
● Shadow elves always strive for perfection, as would be befitting their race ­­ they certainly wouldn't want to come second place to a goblin.

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