The Nightshade are known for attacking from the shadows and often employ poison, specializing in the most lethal forms of alchemy, such as Acid, Slow Poison, and Death. They have relatively amicable relationships with most other tribes, but their enemies tend to drop dead. Though the Matron of the tribe is often accused of sanctioning these assassinations, no trace ever leads back to her.
After the sundering of the Shadow Isle, the Wild Elves of the Overgrowth began to focus on different values and splinter into individual tribes. The first Nightshade were women who wished to honour Coa’s memory. Coa had been a leader to all the Ologat’Thalan of the Shadow Isles, who many referred to as “The Mother.” The Nightshade believed that always having a mother lead them was the most appropriate way to honor Coa. They settled in an area of the forest abundant with poisonous fauna, including the deadly nightshade flower, which they took as their tribal symbol and name. Though the island changed and the flowers died around them, the Nightshade tended to those that grew closest to their homes. Today, the nightshade flower grows only in Nightshade territory, and it is a great taboo for anyone but a member of the tribe to harvest it.
The Nightshade bear the mark of the five-point flower of their namesake. There is no set position for the flower, and some elves add more intricate details than others. The position or intricacies of the tattoo have no significance to the Olagot’Thalan’s social standing, and are strictly a personal choice.

The ancient Matron rules over Nightshade and has for centuries. No one outside the Nightshade knows who the Matron is or where she resides, but her authority is unquestioned within the tribe.
The Nightshade are matriarchal in a tradition that honours Coa. The Matron in particular has popularized the idea that a mother has the power to bring life into the world and the power to decide who to remove from it, though most Nightshade women simply use their authority to mould children’s development as they grow. Not all women are equal, however; as mothers whose children have survived their first year have earned more respect than women who have yet to bear strong children.
While men cannot occupy major leadership positions within the tribe, they are not looked down upon or otherwise treated as lessers. Their strength and expertise are just as well-respected as any woman’s; it is simply not their job to lead. The Matron’s power is as symbolic as it is literal; Matron is a title that is always inherited by the first born daughter of the current Matron and can be traced back to the original Matron by bloodline. Should the Matron bear additional daughters, they are given ceremonial leadership positions within the tribe.
Carefully carved out hollow stumps are a common sight in Nightshade territory, and are used for communication between patrolling tribe members. Nightshade will leave notes for one another in these stumps, and visiters will often leave gifts or trade items inside the hollowed out spaces.
In the year 2260, the Nightshade tribe was assaulted by a Fae known as The Huntsman. The Huntsman, which was under the influence of Silt, the Orb of Corruption, unleashed an altered version of the Lycan curse: one that would cause the infected to rapidly lose their sanity and remain permanently in their transformed state. Nightshade chemists worked quickly to create a cure for this before the next full moon; and while they were successful in developing one, they were not able to produce a sufficient quantity to cure all those who were infected in time, and not all who received this cure were completely freed of the curse. Those uncured Nightshade who lost their sanity were exterminated, a cull resulting in the loss of nearly half their population. Of the remaining infected who received the cure, some were left with side effects. These brave men and women are the new protectors of the tribe. They are known as the Night Pack.
There are two kinds of Night Pack members.
Most of the Pack consists of Nightshade who couldn’t be administered the cure until after they had experienced their first change on the full moon, at which point it could not remove the Lycanthropic curse, only slow its progression. In order to retain their sanity and prevent themselves from turning feral, they must take monthly doses of the elixir. While many were too far gone to be saved after their first change, these Nightshade were able to hold onto enough of their own minds to remain in control until more of the cure elixir was made to prevent the curse from worsening, and now walk the razor’s edge of using their wolf side’s strength when needed without losing themselves to it forever. As mothers were given priority when the tribe had to decide who got the cure first, most of these werewolves are men.
The remaining members of the Pack are those who did receive the cure in time and had their wolf aspect physically removed from their bodies, but found that unlike most who took the cure, the wolf did not turn against them in savage rage when it was removed. Instead they each found themselves with a companion, in the form of a wolf that shared a psionic link with the elf whose body they used to inhabit. These linked companions travel together in defence of the rest of the Nightshade.
All members of the Night Pack are respected by the rest of the tribe. The Nightshade view the Night Pack as living martyrs, whose sacrifice allowed the rest of the tribe the opportunity to recover from the curse. The Night Pack are protectors who defend their tribe and territory against harm and corruption. Though the identities of the Night Pack are a heavily guarded secret, the Matron is believed to be one herself. In order to prevent outsiders discovering the pack’s secrets, many Nightshade have started breeding and keeping wolves as companions as well.
Since the Night Pack is a recent development, the Nightshade as a whole have not yet chosen a firm stance on whether or not lycanthropy should be passed on. While many view it as a terrible curse, some consider it a strength which can be kept under control with regular doses of the Nightshade elixir. Until the Matron reaches a decision, the Night Pack has been forbidden to spread their taint. Anyone who is newly turned, whether accidentally or through disobedience, is forced to either forfeit their life or dedicate its remainder as part of the Pack.
Nightshade put a heavy emphasis on respect. For a Nightshade, respect can be earned in many ways. Whether earned through age, wisdom, experience, bravery or otherwise, one is only entitled to as much respect as they give. To show disrespect to a Nightshade is to invite their anger upon you.
Since Coa had been referred to as “The Mother” of all the Ologat’Thalan, Nightshade pay homage to their roots every year in July. To celebrate Coa’s day, the Nightshade present gifts to their own mothers, which are usually presented ceremoniously during a large feast. Tribe members who have lost their mothers present a gift to the Matron instead.
There is no single predominant religion among the Nightshade. Faiths are varied and diverse within the tribe, and many tribe members pay homage to multiple gods, praying to whichever one best reflects their needs and wants at any given time. While worship of some aspects of Sybil and Dunarthos are relatively common, some tribal values (such as the use of poison) conflict with the teachings of these gods, and so worship is not taken too seriously. Ll’yandra worship is also popular, as she is viewed as a divine mother and given deep respect. Prayers are sometimes offered to Raze if a Nightshade feels they have been gravely disrespected.
Most Nightshade view grudges on a personal level rather than as a reflection of entire groups of people. However, most Nightshade hold disdain for the Coyote, Raccoon, and Vulture, viewing their entire ways of life as disrespectful. Nightshade revile the lack of respect that the Coyote and Raccoon show for Coa or for the overgrowth, since these two tribes have turned away from it’s protection. Additionally, the use and consumption of the dead by the Coyote and the Vulture are seen as an unforgivable show of disrespect.
After losing so many of their numbers, the Nightshade formed an alliance with the Jhen Ursa, granting them a piece of their territory. In exchange, the Ursa help tend to the plants which grow in the area. The Ursa and Nightshade are able to move freely through one another’s territory, and both tribes will refrain from aggression against each other so long as the alliance holds.
You can’t play as a member of the Night Pack. (Player characters don’t have access to the Therian template.)
Treat others with respect. Expect them to repay your respect in kind.
Do not shy away from using poisons. Poisons are a gift from the earth and harnessing them is proof of your tribe’s prowess.
Respect your elders, your lineage, and your past experiences, even the bad ones, for they have all molded you and made you who you are.
Daniel McCoshen
James Samuel
Wyatt Lefebvre